
What is change?

What is change? 27 June 2023 W H A T   I S   C H A N G E ? Our time in the Netherlands is coming to an end, and when I read that my dear friend @mirjam.christine.hope was hosting a session around change, I knew I had to be part of it. Change.  It feels like my life at this moment is change only. Big changes only. Transitions in life. The one is me transitioning to being a mother, […]

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She is Alive

She is Alive 2 February 2023 S H E   I S   A L I V E Half a year in.. It is with the greatest joy and gratitude that I would like to introduce our beautiful and courageous daughter Aya Rose. She came into this world on the 2nd of August at 17:38, roaring with life. Some of you might have read my previous blog, the one I wrote half a year after the stillbirth of our first baby, our […]

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Life Transitions

Life Transitions 6 April 2022 life transitions   I have been thinking a lot lately about life transitions. More specifically about navigating through life transitions. Those times in your life where your foundation is swept away. The major upheavals in life, where everything feels uncertain and change and uncertainty are the only constants in your daily life.  Life transitions like a new job, stepping into a serious relationship, being confronted with death, divorce or break up or a move to […]

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