Feminine Economy
Feminine Economy
Dreaming of a Feminine Economy
One of my biggest questions in my journey of choosing to become a mom or not has been, can I still run my own business and live my passion, and be a magical mom who is present with her children and family? Without too much stress and pressure (and preferably no stress and pressure :))
In the end my choice was merely made by this soul who really wanted to come to earth (but that’s a story for another time). However there was a belief in me that I could not be AND a magical mom AND run a successful and thriving business. Inter-generational pain, stories and examples influenced me. Some deeply rooted beliefs that came from church (I was very surprised to come across these, because although I was raised in a catholic environment, religion did not play a role in my family) and also a fear that I as a sensitive woman would not manage both in this world (also due to seeing examples of mothering that do not resonate with me and definitely do not sparkly my pussy).
These past two years I worked a lot on rewiring my brain and removing deep blockages of my physical, emotional and energetic body. To make it happen. To know that I can be both, and therefor that it is safe to fall pregnant J. To really deeply connect and tap in with my Feminine power and my own sexuality and beliefs. With the cyclic nature of being a woman.
With that came the following question: how to be and stay visible during my maternity leave? Since I have the feeling that all the pieces of the puzzle are falling so beautifully into place, it would be a bummer to have to disappear for 6 months of the radar. That doesn’t feel right.
And, unfortunately, algorithms don’t work like that. From what I know and read, consistency is one of the most important factors in f.e. Instagram Algorithm. A very old school linear and masculine model. So there the dilemma was. Can I, as an advocate for more Yin and Feminine in this world, in some way work with this. Because spreading the message is an important part of my work, and if I am going to get off the algorithm radar that won’t happen.
So I have come to a solution. Bringing the masculine energy of focus and planning in, to balance things out. I have written content in advance, and I have a beautiful lady helping me to post my stuff on Instagram. My newsletters and blogs are scheduled.
I must admit, it still feels weird to me. I am writing this newsletter and blog, not knowing if, when you read it, the baby is still in me or not. It can happen anytime between now and 7 weeks. I guess it will happen when the three of us are ready. Bringing in the Masculine to support the Feminine also feels very good! It allows me to let go off control. To focus on really going inward and letting the outside world be the outside world. While still spreading the word and my vision.
And then maybe one day, the cyclic Feminine will be integrated more in our society and the world of business: a Feminine Economy. An economy knowing that the power of woman comes out best and most strongly when we embrace that She moves in cycles. That every cycle she needs rest and an inward movement to create and share her Wisdom and Power and Magic with the outside world.
Sealing off with a dash of Pussy Sparkle,