An unexpected awakening
An unexpected awakening
An unexpected awakening from one of my clients, Mirjam Leslie, who took part in my Free your Feminine 7-week program:
What my daughter already knows…
…and I hope she does NOT unlearn as she matures.
Not often do we tend to take the advice from a 5-year-old.
Quite the contrary in fact.
But there’s an innate wisdom in my daughter.
Full disclosure: she’s not exceptionally bright or intellectually gifted.
But when I look at her, I can see she is home in her body.
See here’s the thing about my daughter, Ayla.
She was born with a huge language delay, also known as apraxia.
Born at 2,3 kg’s, she certainly had a tough road ahead.
It brought a lot of challenges her way.
And self-doubt, fear and anxiety for me as her mother.
But more than anything, it’s given her (..and me) a lot of advantages too.
She’s in touch with herself.
Emotionally intelligent beyond her years.
Perceptive, intuitive and able to tune into the people around her.
More than anything, she feels safe in her body.
She is connected to herself and those around her.
She experiences joy.
She simply is.
A powerful focused presence.
It’s THAT image that springs to mind when I think back of my experience in joining the Free Your Feminine Program.
Effortless being, grounded in self.
It’s interesting to note that at times we need an external route, to discover what is right there in front of us.
To experience that an understanding of the Feminine doesn’t require deep study or extensive deliberations.
It’s all right here, available and present.
The real question is will you tap into her?
Can you open your eyes to what’s already there?
Ayla can.
Therefore, so can you.