The Cyclic Feminine

The Cyclic Feminine

Today I would love to share a bit more on honoring the cyclic Feminine. Since I am heading more and more towards giving birth to our beautiful and sacred son, and seeing and feeling the current state of our world, the Feminine and her cyclic nature is asking for attention. 

She Blooms. 
She was born about 6 years ago. Out of an extensive and in-depth research for my thesis on young adolescents and sexuality in a South Africa township, out of a collaboration with two Industrial Design students (now social design studio @joesmanon) and a big passion for a world in which we can grow up with more self- & body-love.

With a scientific background (Sociology) and lots of experience in working with youngsters and as a body-worker, I came to realize that there is a big gap, and opportunity, when it comes to creating a healthy society in which we feel that we belong. Bringing the body-mind connection in when it comes to self-love and using (female) sexuality as a way to purify and heal our bodies and minds. Getting rid of the blockages that keep us away from loving ourselves and feeling free and confident to be who we are.

We (un)consciously carry contraction with us. In our physical body, and also in our mental, emotional and energetic bodies. You can see contraction as a no to life. And when this no, this contraction is chronic, it becomes a blockage.

My biggest passion in life is to help heal these blockages, and to create ways in our lives to minimalize contraction. To open up for purification and pleasure, so we can feel free inside.

In all my research and work I have come to the conclusion that one of the phases in life that we create contraction is during rite of passages in womanhood. These beautiful and important moments in our life that we move and transition from one phase into the other. Sadly these transitions are often met with fear and shame instead of love and trust. This fear and shame is creating disconnection, doubt and insecurity. Love and trust can help us to accept the changes and find empowerment in ourselves.

She Blooms seemed to need a break to mature a little 😉 and now she feels ready to be seen again. In creating a supportive and celebrative environment. To help transform women during rite of passages, from a place of compassion, love and integration. And to celebrate the magic of female sexuality in changing phases of womanhood. Creating a deep loving and safe foundation in our (nervous) systems to be the women we are meant to be: wild, wise, sacred, free, flirty and playful in embracing our cyclic and intuitive nature. Allowing ourselves to be powerful and pleasurable beyond measure. 

The answer on how this new phase of She Blooms will take shape will probably come in the next coming months, while I am giving birth to new life, to a new part of myself and to a new experience of the Feminine. So stay tuned 🙂 

with a dash of pussy sparkle,

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