Shame Disconnects

Shame Disconnects

Shame Disconnects
From Yourself. From others.

One of the main reasons women come to me is that they want to release shame. Shame of their (sensual) bodies, shame of their sexuality and being a sexual woman. With this, deep down, shame of who they really are.

There are different levels of shame:

·      Shame of your thoughts > that what you think is crazy;
·      Shame of what you feel > that certain things you feel, should not be felt;
·      Shame of how you behave > of something you did or didn’t do, and have the idea that you should have done it different.

In the end it is all related to the labels right and wrong. Of what we think is appropriate or not. And with that, as a result that if you think, feel or behave wrong, others will not like or accept you and you will not belong.

A big part of my work is creating a safe space to unravel the stories and emotions that you have created, giving insight in the false sense of self you have created to make sure you belong. In our journey together you will heal the shame and start opening up and sharing from an authentic place and true self.

So you can connect again.
Feel aligned and alive.
Within yourself, and in life.

To get a taste of this unraveling process you can always join one of my free Sister Circles, or for more in-depth work, check out my offerings and programs.

Sending much love,

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