sex, love & relationships

Birthed into Motherhood

Birthed into Motherhood 27 April 2021 Being birthed into motherhood, a rite of passage Last week was a lot of ‘last times’, when it came to my work. I finished  my last coaching package, and with that a beautiful journey with a woman into realizing that all she had been searching for outside of her, is actually inside: “It was me I was looking for”. The last sister circle for a while, with such a nourishing soft sensual energy. The […]

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The Cyclic Feminine

The Cyclic Feminine 12 April 2021 Today I would love to share a bit more on honoring the cyclic Feminine. Since I am heading more and more towards giving birth to our beautiful and sacred son, and seeing and feeling the current state of our world, the Feminine and her cyclic nature is asking for attention.  She Blooms.  She was born about 6 years ago. Out of an extensive and in-depth research for my thesis on young adolescents and sexuality […]

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The Plague of Pressure

The Plague of Pressure 22 March 2021 Last week I woke up one morning with my head spinning around and around. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of things I needed to do in a very short time. I am heading towards #30weekspregnant which means I only have about 10 weeks left to do all the things I should do while pregnant. Because the time is now to enjoy it. It took me a little while, a good practice and […]

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Shame Disconnects

Shame Disconnects 15 February 2021 Shame DisconnectsFrom Yourself. From others. One of the main reasons women come to me is that they want to release shame. Shame of their (sensual) bodies, shame of their sexuality and being a sexual woman. With this, deep down, shame of who they really are. There are different levels of shame: ·      Shame of your thoughts > that what you think is crazy;·      Shame of what you feel > that certain things you feel, should […]

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tessa custers yin yoga and female sexuality

Yin Yoga & Female Sexuality

Yin Yoga & Female Sexuality 14 January 2021 I remember clearly the moment I created the Instagram account #yinyogasouthafrica. I just moved to South Africa, and I couldn’t find a nice Yin Yoga class that fulfilled my needs. Coming from Holland and teaching a few packed yin yoga classes a week, I was surprised by the lack of this in Cape Town. It just did not seem to be a thing here so much.. And if I found yin classes, […]

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free your soul tessa custers

Free Your Soul

Free Your Soul 31 December 2020 Opening your heart to your path, will free your soul. Do you dare to choose? If there is anything I learned this year, is that you always have a choice in how you see and perceive the world. For example, if you wake up grumpy you have the choice to either stay grumpy and let the grumpiness determine your day, or you could choose to embrace your grumpiness, do a practice that will bring […]

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Constructive Rest Pose

Constructive Rest Pose 21 December 2020 ‘The mysterious psoas muscle is the main muscle involved in your fight or flight response in your body. Your psoas contracts when you are frightened. It will tighten when you experience, mental, emotional or physical stress.’ Working on relaxing and restoring your psoas, and thus a happy psoas, will make you feel more grounded and relaxed and will give you a bigger range of motion (you might also experience less lower back pain). Making […]

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Fertility + Female Sexuality

Fertility + Female Sexuality. 30 November 2020 ‘All the aspects of the journey – cycles, fertility, pregnancy, arousal, orgasm, birth and breast-feeding – are all part of the integral whole that is female sexuality. It is one of the tragedies of our culture that we’ve severed pregnancy, birth and breast-feeding from their messy, earthy, embodied sexual roots. To fully appreciate female sexuality, we must remember (and re-remember) these connections, which hold true at a primordial level whether the woman in […]

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It took me a long time

It took me a long time. 2 October 2020 And to be honest, I needed some help from the universe to put me to pause. I was always going, doing, full agenda, meeting people, chatting, socializing. And I loved it! Because I love people and I love the magic of life. But deep inside I was lonely, although I didn’t really knew it at that time. Or maybe I didn’t want to see it. I definitely did not wanted to […]

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It’s Time To Celebrate

It’s Time To Celebrate 23 September 2020 It is time to celebrate! Last week I received the news that I am now officially a Female Sexuality Coach. I love to celebrate with reflection, a looking back to how I have come here. Eighteen months of studying, and although it officially was a study of 3 days a week, I perceived it as a full time commitment. I guess it is part of my personality to really go and dive into […]

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Come As You Are

Come As You Are 28 January 2019 I am reading the amazing book #comeasyouare (by Emily Nagoski), and today I hit the chapter that is all about the emotional context. And stress. For a long time I believe stress only had to do with just being able to manage the tasks I had to do in life. How little did I know of stress that underlies worry, anxiety, fear, terror, all the variants of my flight mode. Or anger, irritation, […]

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Pure Heart of Love

Pure Heart of Love 26 January 2019 It took me a while to say yes to this utterly beautiful and intense course, but here I am, I am a student again. An online training that will keep me busy for about 600 hours this year learning everything about Sex, Love and Relationships. I am so so so excited and happy and looking forward for all that is too come. However, last week I was challenged to the max. Old pains, […]

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